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BLOCK that anybody can start/stop recordings (or connect to a veo2 cam)#971

Anybody who has a veo account and the veo-camera app installed can connect to any VEO2 camera.

The user need on to be in the search range of the camera (bluetooth/wifi).

For me, only users which are members to the club were the camera is registered should be able to connect to the camera.

We have the problems that some people are always stoppnig our recording during games!! This makes the camers useless…

2 years ago

You dont have a password to connect?

2 years ago

NO, the Veo2 has no password :-(

2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago

This happened to us on the weekend someone stopped the recording at half time. Super annoying.

2 years ago

we will need to bin our 2 cameras if this is not fixed. We get fined massively if we do not upload our full match to hudl

2 years ago

twice i have other teams/people stop our recording at half time - this should NOT be allowed to happen - its a simple security issue - FIX IT

2 years ago

Hello, someone told me about this bug. I just tried it with another phone and another account and indeed, it is possible to connect to the camera.

This is a problem that needs to be resolved urgently, please.

a year ago

@veo, this is a serious problem as a random user can also access all recordings on the cammera itself, start and stop recording. It’s a shame you didnt solve this issue already. Does Veo looks as this forum anyway????

a year ago

when we are in tournament, there are multiple veo owners who can easly connect any camera in the park and start/stop recording / live streams accidentaly. additionally, they can even find out the live stream links to share with others… this MUST be fixed urgently…

a year ago

It’s a major bug. More important, if you can access the camera via the app & the camera has access to a WiFi network, it will be easy for hackers to access the local WiFi network where the camera has access to. Security for VEO seams to be as far away as the sun….. ;-(

a year ago

A simple user/ password protection is required-urgently. Anybody can sabotage the recording.

a year ago

Veo, you’re almost there. When someone first opens the Veo Camera app, they already must sign-in to proceed and use the app to manage a camera(s).

Suggested implementation:
When this sign-in occurs, the app should retrieve the MAC address(es) / serial number(s) (especially including the Bluetooth MAC address) of the camera(s) from the Clubhouse(s) in which the account which signed-in is a member. It should store the number locally within the app and refresh on subsequent openings of the app, when there is an available Internet connection on the device running the app.
When the app detects cameras nearby, it should compare the addresses/serial numbers with those of the cameras it detects. If the addresses do not match, it should not allow the app user to connect to a camera, and should provide relevant messaging in the app to inform the user that they have attempted to connect to a camera that is not theirs. Better yet, filter the list of available cameras, excluding the ones that do not match the stored addresses/serial numbers. So that it is clear, the addresses/serial numbers would be stored locally in the app so that the filtering process of cameras can still happen when the app device does not have internet.
Additionally, push camera name changes done in the app to the camera OS so that the name is consistent for authorized users of that camera.

a year ago

Just had this happen to me today! Not happy! Using the app, went to start my recording and it said it was already recording?!?! So i stopped the recordng and restarted a new recording. Ends up I was connecting to our opponents camera on the other side of the pitch. End result is that my camera never started recording. This is very simple to fix

a year ago
Merged into WiFi password and SSID#707
a year ago