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Security problem, Personal Password to communicate with the camera#129


I have a security problem with the cameras. Yesterday I was recording in a tournament at Phoenix Arizona, and it was same people
with Veo cameras, the problem happened two times, first time a person intentionally stopped my camera in the middle of a game and the second one
another person did the same by mistake, my camera hooked in his phone wireless first and he pressed the red dot.
I need to be able to change the password of my cameras.

Julian Lipovestky

4 years ago

I agree. This happened to me on a futsal game. The other coach was able to access my camera because the cameras share the same password. Can the default password be changed? As Veo is becoming more popular, this is going to be a big mess

4 years ago

How do you change the password on the camera. Had a not so nice person go around and stop recordings, it seems that all units have the same password kickoff!

4 years ago
Merged change camera wifi password#530
3 years ago

We had two games going on in a tournament beside each other with two Veo cameras back to back and I accidentally stopped someone else’s recording as I connected to the wrong wifi network! I was very confused as to why I needed to input my password again.
I quickly discovered my error and restarted their recording but I can only imagine how annoying this would have been for the other club after I renamed the first part of their recording with our game team names!!
Accidents wouldn’t happen if we didn’t all have the same wifi passwords with similar access point names!!

3 years ago
Changed the status to
2 years ago

Same issue on our side :-(

2 years ago

Please fix

2 years ago

I agree this is an ongoing issue. I was able to “see” other clubs cameras that were setup next to mine yesterday!! I did not try to login to their camera, however nobody should be able to see our team camera and vice-versa (I should not be able to see theirs).

From an engineering perspective, would it be so difficult to add a MAC authentication table and store approved MAC addresses (of iphones, android, etc.) onto the hardware device itself (i.e. the camera)?? In this manner, only phones with approved MAC addresses can see and thus login to the hardware. Of course this would require some setup/intervention from the camera operators to add approved phones into to approved MAC table.

FWIW, serveral times our team camera has been turned off after it was started.

Another idea would be to add a camera status notification to let the veo camera operator know the camera is not recording during a match…at least they would be able to check the realtime status & restart the camera if necessary.

If both the MAC/handshaking and the camera status / notification ideas were implemented, perhaps a lot of camera operators would have more confidence their kids’ games were being recorded. Honestly, after I start the recording, I cross my fingers that I can, 1) login to the camera after a game, 2) confirm the camera is still recording, and 3) save the recording and successfully turn off the camera.

Until your software team can enhance the login/security of these cameras, the complaints will continue. Fix it ASAP!

5 months ago

There is nothing implemented to avoid access of third parties on my VEO. I still can see and access their cams as they can see and access my veo via cam app. This at least is my experience.

5 months ago

Provicial Lacrosse championship game and the team from a different organization on the field before us that had their camera setup, shut mine off 19 seconds into warmup and labelled it as their match not knowing. The team pays for this service and they are now without the final championship game of the year! Unexceptable! How does this happen? I expect way better security for how much we pay for it.

Sorry, 1 minute not 19 seconds… Gross!


5 months ago

This is still an issue after having been reported 4 years ago?

4 months ago

Still an Issue - please a PIN or SOMETHING to not allow others to connect to your Veo. Most times it is on accident so I have changed my Veo camera name to something very unique and literally include “NOT YOURS”, other times emotional parents/adults can be spiteful and no way to stop them. Someone clearly turned my camera off early in our soccer match this morning and I can do the same to others. Using latest Veo App on Iphone 15 Pro with Veo2

3 months ago

I can’t believe that VEO has known about this issue for years and have not addressed the issue. My opinion is so that VEO has access to everyone’s recordings. Data is the new cash……VEO wants to cash in on all our data. VEO totally disappointed. FOlks please add reviews on every platform you can think off.

3 months ago

isn’t this now fixed by requiring an account on the subscription associated with the camera?

19 days ago

The engineers at veo at 2nd rate. So it is not surprising that they have not been able to fix this simple issue. We’ve had out veo for a couple months and while in general it works good, there are many issues, especially on the account management we have run into.

2 days ago